Firefly - Episode 14: 'Objects in Space'
Episode 14 - 'Objects in Space' Recap: The hallucinating River gets hold of a gun, which makes the crew of Serenity very unhappy. A bounty hunter infiltrates Serenity while the crew sleeps and neutralizes everyone he encounters in pursuit of River. River's disembodied voice floats through the PA system, claiming to be Serenity and guiding everyone... until the bounty hunter finally realizes that she has infiltrated his ship. This advantage allows the crew to overcome the bounty hunter. Another episode, another guest star that the show just loves . He talks an absolute ton , and he never comes close to losing a fight. He's efficient and he'll threaten rape (but not want to commit it!) He sucks the oxygen out of the episode and it's satisfying to watch River get the drop on him. She's the real star of the episode, after all. This is the type of payoff episode that you need for River, and probably more often given that whenever she's prominent, she...